
Showing posts from March, 2023

Blog 9: Plant ID and Group Check In

      Scientific name: Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus brackenridgei, Hibiscus clayi, Hibiscus furcellatus, Hibiscus kokio, Hibiscus tiliaxeus, Hibiscus waimeae, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.     Common name: Hibiscus, Hawaiian Punch Hibiscus, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Chinese Hibiscus      For my plant, I was in NY for the assignment, and nothing is in bloom so it would be very difficult to find and identify plants and flowers since none of them grow in the snow and cold weather. Therefore, I used a plant I have inside my house that is partially in bloom. This plant was taken from outside in our garden and transported to the pot. So although it is not currently outside, it was at one point. This plant was a Hawaiian punch hibiscus. This type of plant is a perennial flowering shrub that is native to Asia. They are fast growing and known best for their large, colorful blooms that come in a wide variety of hues. There are two different types, the cold hardy ones and the tropical ones. The tropical var

Blog 8: Plant a seed

                                                                                                           In this week's assignment we were assigned to plant seeds. I chose to try and grow alyssum flowers from seeds. I bought the seeds, soil and cups and placed them in a partial sun/shade location which is what they need to grow.  I am a little nervous getting started, as I have never grown anything before. I started this process on Sunday and they still have not grown, so I am concerned I did something wrong. They may just need some time still, but I am concerned they won't grow. I am expecting them to grow, but still worried.